Health and wellness programs that help reduce direct and indirect health costs, improve productivity and motivate and teach Tribal Members and your employees to stay healthier.

Wellness is a lifelong journey to optimal health. It means treating the whole person, including their physical, mental, emotional and financial well-being.
The path to wellness is different for each individual but it must start with getting employees, Tribal Members and their families engaged in their own wellbeing.

Our health and wellness resources are tailored to fit the needs of each participant.
Personal factors that affect each person’s health are addressed and members are engaged at the most appropriate time in their lives, whether they are healthy or managing an ongoing health condition.

They can choose programs that fit their needs and lifestyle. For example, Disease Management Programs, Care Management Services, Online Health Tools – such as one on one access to a Health Coach, Diabetic Specific Programs, Wellness Program Strategy, Planning and Implementation and Employee Health and Wellness Communications. Good health is attainable - lower costs are too!

Our clients know us as risk managers who work with them to reduce, if not eliminate, losses. As your broker-risk manager, we take a proactive approach in helping protect your assets and save you money.

Our mission is to assist in reducing your total cost of risk. To deliver the most comprehensive solutions for all of your property-casualty, risk management and health and wellness benefits at the lowest cost.